Be Proactive about Aging

As we age, it becomes more important to remain active so that we can be proactive about maintaining our health, independence and quality of life. Physical activity has its obvious physical benefits, but it can also have a significant, positive impact on our mental and emotional health. We are never too old to begin implementing healthy changes to our lifestyles. Below are a few examples of areas of health that are crucial for us to focus our attention on as we age. There are also a few simple activities that you can begin implementing to begin your journey towards a healthy, independent lifestyle.

Physilcal Benefits

1. Maintaining/Improving Mobility

“If you don’t use it, you lose it.” It is important for seniors to remain active and focus their attention on stretching. Many falls are caused simply by having limited range of motion and functional mobility.

2. Muscle Strength and Balance

It is no secret that we lose bone density and muscle mass as we age. This does not mean that we cannot take steps towards slowing down this process. Core strength is directly related to balance. Low weight and light resistance exercises will make a significant impact on improving muscle mass which will make everyday tasks more manageable.

3. Maintaining Healthy Weight

The best way to burn calories is through aerobic exercise. Certainly, avoiding a high calorie diet is ideal, but most of us like to enjoy our guilty pleasures on occasion. Focusing on an appropriate balance of diet and exercise will significantly reduce the risk of many of the most common chronic diseases as we age.

4. Improving Cardiovascular Fitness

The heart and lungs are areas that we should all be intentional about protecting. Heart disease and stroke have become some of the leading causes of death in aging adults, yet this is something that we can avoid by incorporating simple exercise into our daily routine.

Mental & Emotional Benefits

1. Cognitive Acuity

Exercise does not have to be physical. We are no longer going to accept cognitive decline as just “part of the aging process”. Studies have shown a positive correlation between regular activity and improved cognitive function. There has also been research which supports the belief that it can even slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. Find ways to challenge yourself mentally. Puzzles, games and reading are great activities that can promote cognitive acuity.

2. Mental Health

Convincing ourselves to exercise can be challenging, but isn’t it such a great feeling once you are finished? Your body gets a rush from the stimulus which is caused by a release of endorphins. Studies have shown that physical activity can improve sleep and reduce symptoms of depression. Human anatomy is not designed to be sedentary. Get the blood flowing and feel good about taking small steps towards improving your health.

3. Social Interaction

Isolation can have an extremely negative impact on overall health. Perhaps, one of the greatest benefits of living an active lifestyle might just be the social aspect. Exercising alone is good but doing it with a community will help you remain more consistent and may even provide additional health benefits beyond the physical. This can help you build and maintain relationships that are an encouragement to your mental and emotional health.

Healthy Approach to Remaining Active

1. Focus on Enjoyment

Exercise does not have to be a struggle. It is most important that you are doing something rather than nothing at all. Find activities that will bring you enjoyment and create a plan of regularly integrating that into your routine. Some examples I like to recommend include gardening, neighborhood walks, activities with grandkids, and shopping.

2. Incremental Approach

“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” If regular exercise has not been part of your normal routine, it is recommended that you take a gradual approach toward reaching your activity goals. You want this to become a lifestyle improvement. We want to avoid “burnout” as much as possible. Start small and build to where you want to be over time.

3. Consider Group Activities

Balance in Motion offers fitness classes that are specifically designed for aging adults. Our classes provide a structured environment lead by our professionally trained experts to help promote functional strength and balance needs. Our members have found these classes to be a great way to routinely implement physical activity throughout the week while also gaining new friendships through our incredible community.

As we age, it is important that we do not lose focus of what is most important, that is our health. Physical and mental activity are paramount for those who desire to age with grace. It is never too late to begin making changes towards a more active, healthy, happy lifestyle. Find an activity you love and get moving!

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