Home Adaptations & Modifications


The stronger you are, the easier it is to perform your daily tasks.

We want to help our clients “age in place.” Aging in place refers to staying in your own home or residence of choice as you grow older, instead of moving into a residential facility.


As we age, we need to plan on making some adjustments and modifications within the home to eliminate fall hazards and maintain independence.


Balance in Motion can help you identify areas within your home where modifications can be done to help you stay safe and avoid injuries.

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90% of older Americans say they want to “age-in-place” (meaning to stay in their own home instead of assisted living), yet 85% have done nothing to prepare their homes for aging.

55% of fall injuries among aging adults occur inside the home.

Request a Free Evaluation

All new and prospective clients receive a free, no-hassle evaluation by a friendly, professional balance specialist.


We look forward to getting to know you.

We love new clients. Take a moment to fill out our Request Appointment form and we’ll contact you immediately to confirm your requested date or reschedule a convenient, available opening.

Unsure if our services are for you? Call or stop by our gym and we will be happy to chat with you.